Monday, June 18, 2012

The hardest day

I knew it was coming, and I knew it would be hard, but I forgot how hard.  Luke went home this morning. Actually he started his journey home this morning but he is probably not landing at SFO for another couple hours.

The shuttle came to pick him up at 9:00am and Zeke and I jumped in with him so they could drop us at Zeke's preschool - just a little out of the way.  We said our goodbyes there.

Surprisingly, Zeke's drop-off went off smashingly.  He jumped right into the song/dance his classmates were doing.  Completely shocking that there was no drama if you know Zeke.  I don't know if I wrote about it last time, but he cried and screamed and tantrumed everyday at drop-off for a solid week.  It was ug

I walked home and hung out with Genevieve and Dane.  Genevieve has been begging to go to school here, so I took her to speak with the principal (they call Directór) about attending.  She did a wonderful job talking with the director.  She starts tomorrow at noon.

Dane surfed a bit today, and then we all spent the rest of the afternoon at the pool and hanging around our villa.  I let myself miss Luke and be mopey for just today.  Tomorrow, no more sulking.

The nights are the hardest without him.  It's lonely to not have another adult, and all the sounds make me a little more tense than usual.  Each day will get easier I'm sure.  But right now is when I start second guessing the sanity of being here by myself with 3 kids. Daylight always makes things better so I look forward to getting my first night without him over with.

And with that...buenos noches.

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